Rejuvenation of the skin with fractional CO2 Laser:
Fractional Laser CO2 Mixto, new generation of lasers in dermatology, treats acne scares and the signs of age: small wrinkles, wrinkles, sagging skin (face, eyelids, neck, cleveage, abdomen, inner arms and inner thighs) The Mixto laser delivers on the skin tiny light beams into the epidermis and dermis.
The treatment requires 2 to 3 sessions at several months interval. This laser boots the production of collagene for up to 6 months following the treatment.

A pre-consultation will determine exactly the indications and contra-indications of IPL epilation and will make sure that it is adapted to your needs. Dc Coissard will tell you what to do before and after the session according to your skin type.
After the session, the patient will experience an intense warming sensation during 2 hours and redness between 2 to 24 hours, then for a week a tanned looking and flaking skin which will reveal a new rejuvenated skin and an improved skin tone.
A fee quotation will be provided.
Dc Coissard utilizes the fractional CO2 laser Mixto (Lasering) at her office: